Friday, December 19, 2008

Back in Sinny

Finally, back in Sydney after a very long adventure. Summer is delightful, but the risks of over eating and drinking are extreme, as will be the humidity pretty soon. Fun but.

Friday, December 12, 2008

My new coat

It is so so chilly in Macedonia. My new coat (which weighs 3.1 kgs) has come in very handy.

Here I am one cold afternoon at some old ancient Roman town somewhere in Macedonia, freezing to death as the sun set at 4 pm. It was interesting, and according to the Macedonians, its presence proves that they are entitled to call their country "Macedonia" irrespective of anything the Greeks might say.

Here is another shot of me and Tanja, who works on the project, at the History of Wine museum. She has a rather out there coat as well.

Next stop: BKK, where it should be a little warmer, then on to Sydney.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Xmas in Sofia

Christmas is really coming - the lights are up, trees are decorated, and the ginger bread house is enormous. Think of the stomach ache, particularly if it is not gluten free ginger bread.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winter in Evropa - Sunday afternoon in Sophia

It is so nice to come into winter, knowing that in a few weeks tropical Sydney awaits. So for the next two weeks, I am planning to enjoy the chill, wear lots of heavy clothes and have fun with scarves.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The love affair continues: Belgrade Nov 2008

I continue to love Belgrade - maybe even more with each visit. I have been so busy, that there has not been much time for taking photos - here are shots of me on a very cold morning (it snowed on the weekend) outside one of the lovely old buildlings and also the national opera. Next stop: Bulgaria.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Some scenes from the old town in Baku

A few shots from the old part of town. Lots of funny little streets, cats, old buildings and carpet shops.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku is a lovely city, particularly the old part, which still has a lot of the old walls surrounding it. There are some good restaurants too, including this one on the top of a building overlooking the old tower, with the Caspian Sea in the background.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Have broom, will travel - Istanbul Nov 2008

There are so many wonderful things around each corner in Istanbul. Here is a new one - the broom-mobile.

The ennui of travel

Quick trip to Bath, which was very good, and much better than my face suggests.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fun in Champaign, Illinois

I have been staying with my friend Marilynne, who I stay with in Tajikistan when we are both there, at her place in Champaign, Illinois. So much to do - the local diner, Wal Mart, University of Illinois - 2 days is not enough. It is alos the pumpkin capital of Illinois by the looks of the samples I saw at the farmers' market.

Friday, October 31, 2008

One blog is not enough for Chicago

So many great shots of Chicago. This is me in the Millenium Park, with the wonderful Frank Gehry pavillion and the sculpture by Anish Kapoor. Wonderful city.

What a relief to be out of DC

Here I am in Chicago, which is so much more fun than DC, with much better dressed people all over the place. But the best thing is the buildings! Great ones everywhere. Wild.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

All Hallows Eve

Everyone here in DC seems to be getting very excited about Halloween - lots of houses are decorated, and pumpkins are everywhere. Very cute.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

DC is for ME

Having fun in Washington, staying at Gavin's place for about a week. His wife, Peggy, and I are posing outside the White House after visiting a few galleries. We are giving the McCain-Palin a challenge - the Lamb-Adlington alternative. Luckily, I will have left the US by election day.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Mother Teresa Day: 19 October 2008!

The years certainly roll around quickly these days - here we are on 19 October, celebrating another Mother Teresa Day, at least in Albania, where she is the country's favourite daughter. As if you did not know, 19 October is the day in 2003 that she was beatified by the Vatican. One more miracle to go!

Southern Albania

We went for an adventure down to the southern coast of Albania - just near the Greek border - to investigate land registration in a more pleasant environment. Perfect weather and great scenery - we even managed to do some work.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Social transformation thru land registration

The Albanians are ahead of the World Bank in promoting land registration - or at least that is how the translator explained the mosaic in the central square of Tirana, the capital of Albania. I am not sure where the weapons fit in. Maybe they are mini-theodolites. Interesting outfits for land titling, too.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nice old buildings in Sarajevo

Sarajevo is full of interesting old buildings - Turkish, Austrian, 20th century. Here are a few I liked, plus a headstone from the Ottoman period. Lots of funny little streets too in the old part of town. Next stop: Tirana, Albania.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Schemes of Old Town, Sarajevo, Bosnia

Here are some shots of the Old Town in Sarajevo - the bit from the Turkish period (for about 400 years starting in 1500). Lots of little interesting shops, a maze of streets and passages, and some good coffee.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kiev is so lovely

Kiev is a wonderful city full of gorgeous churches, public buildings and parks. We are staying in the middle of town, so it is a short walk to these beautiful buildings.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Maybe I should have shut up

I think I made one or two cracks too many about how fat Kyrgyz people are (see below), and they threw me in a Kyrgyz style jail. Obviously desinged for fat people, because thins ones can get out thru the gaps.

Galina the tree hugger

This shot shows our translator, Galina, who has worked with us for years. The Russians love trees and hugging them for health reasons. Here I caught Galina having a quick hug before lunch to recharge her energy.

I love big melons

And in Kyrgyzstan, they are everywhere, particularly at this time of year. And sweet too. Here is a shot of a director of a local registration office on our recent visit down south - I think he is hopeful of a few project-funded computers in exchange for this melon.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Taking the waters

Jalalabad, in the south of Kyrgyzstan, is famous for its mineral springs. Here I am taking the waters in the park above the town - a tonic for all the vodka we have been drinking.

It is easy to feel thin in Kyrgyzstan

This is some of the staff of the land registry office in Toktogul, in the middle of nowhere in Krygyzstan. Food shortages have yet to hit this region, which is surrounded by farms and livestock.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Friday afternoon drinks - TGIF Kyrgyz style

We had afternoon drinks last Friday at Gosregister - the land registration agency - here in Bishkek. It was fun, particularly as it involved a little dressing up. Who says the Kyrgyz have no dress sense? This is Rumiana, our Bulgarian IT expert, and fashion adviser, standing in front of a map of Kyrgyzstan.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Clive James moment

This is from a parking station in Sofia. It is the kind of thing that Clive James would have had on his TV show, followed by something witty. You can make up your own witty comment to go with it.