It is so nice to come into winter, knowing that in a few weeks tropical Sydney awaits. So for the next two weeks, I am planning to enjoy the chill, wear lots of heavy clothes and have fun with scarves.
I continue to love Belgrade - maybe even more with each visit. I have been so busy, that there has not been much time for taking photos - here are shots of me on a very cold morning (it snowed on the weekend) outside one of the lovely old buildlings and also the national opera. Next stop: Bulgaria.
Baku is a lovely city, particularly the old part, which still has a lot of the old walls surrounding it. There are some good restaurants too, including this one on the top of a building overlooking the old tower, with the Caspian Sea in the background.
I have been staying with my friend Marilynne, who I stay with in Tajikistan when we are both there, at her place in Champaign, Illinois. So much to do - the local diner, Wal Mart, University of Illinois - 2 days is not enough. It is alos the pumpkin capital of Illinois by the looks of the samples I saw at the farmers' market.
I am a freelance blog glamour puss, and specialist in international relations, who flies around the world to take photos that will hopefully entertain my public. In between, I do a bit of land law consulting, just to keep my friends and the tax authorities thinking that I have a real job.